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- The Game Changer
The Game Changer
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You have the Knower within, spend more time studying the word of God and listening to the indwelling Spirit of God. It is the game changer because it will guide you, protect you, direct you, prosper you, and it is our link to God. Really, that's the most important part of it it is our link to God. So connect with the game changer inside of you. Our helper. Ask for help and then believe that you will receive help because Most High loves us all unconditionally. Stop beating yourself up. That behavior is a block to the blessings that are swirling all around you. Affirm often " I am worthy. I am deserving". Speak those words to what so ever it that your heart is yearning for. It's a game changer.
Read John 14
If you don't like the game, change the game.
Read John 14
If you don't like the game, change the game.