"The Month of New Life". The COLOR is: "RED". The DISCIPLE is: JUDAS, "The Treasurer". The one who held the Money Bags. He rules the "ROOT”. Let's get to the root of the matter. JUDAS represents our "SENSES". It takes years of prayer, study, and practice to be consciously aware of the "SENSES". It is a never-ending way of living...this thing called practicing. "DON'T JUDGE BY APPEARANCES" That is Judas (it gets stuck in the story the senses are telling). It comes into our thought life and we begin to really think that we can work things out on our own. And OMG the weight of that . We need to be afraid if we are depending on our own strength and know how. LOL Practice observing yourself. -Observe how often you "REACT". -Observe what kind of energies you attract to you on a daily basis. -Observe your dominant thought patterns. Just "OBSERVE". I found that observing speaks volumes to me. I can see Worry trying to sit at my table from time to time and anxiety. Now I see that they are merely signals that I need to decide on what I really desire to see as my life. Trust that the One who created me knows my every need and I expect good. I expect good to happen wherever I am and in all that concerns me. The old, unproductive thoughts are like old chewed up gum and yuck...through it away. You can live a peaceful, joy-filled and fulfilling life and YOU have a part to play in the matter. Watch the Judas consciousness and educate It to think on what you DELIBERATELY CHOOSE. Think on the nature of God. The nature of God is Love...absolute and unconditional. You are loved AS IS. #NEWLIFE #seeyourself5yrsfromnow #youareworthytofeelsafe #youareworthytobeloved #watchJudas
Shaheerah Stephens
Shaheerah....Author, Minister, Columnist,Trainer, Keynote Speaker... Archives
December 2019
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