"The Month of New Life". The COLOR is: "RED". The DISCIPLE is: JUDAS, "The Treasurer". The one who held the Money Bags. He rules the "ROOT”. Let's get to the root of the matter. JUDAS represents our "SENSES". It takes years of prayer, study, and practice to be consciously aware of the "SENSES". It is a never-ending way of living...this thing called practicing. "DON'T JUDGE BY APPEARANCES" That is Judas (it gets stuck in the story the senses are telling). It comes into our thought life and we begin to really think that we can work things out on our own. And OMG the weight of that . We need to be afraid if we are depending on our own strength and know how. LOL Practice observing yourself. -Observe how often you "REACT". -Observe what kind of energies you attract to you on a daily basis. -Observe your dominant thought patterns. Just "OBSERVE". I found that observing speaks volumes to me. I can see Worry trying to sit at my table from time to time and anxiety. Now I see that they are merely signals that I need to decide on what I really desire to see as my life. Trust that the One who created me knows my every need and I expect good. I expect good to happen wherever I am and in all that concerns me. The old, unproductive thoughts are like old chewed up gum and yuck...through it away. You can live a peaceful, joy-filled and fulfilling life and YOU have a part to play in the matter. Watch the Judas consciousness and educate It to think on what you DELIBERATELY CHOOSE. Think on the nature of God. The nature of God is Love...absolute and unconditional. You are loved AS IS. #NEWLIFE #seeyourself5yrsfromnow #youareworthytofeelsafe #youareworthytobeloved #watchJudas
![]() GOD WILL SETTLE ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS if you will settle all of your accounts regarding all others. Matt 6 “Forgive us out debts AS WE forgive out debtors. Yeshua is expressing an infallible law of mind. One idea must be dissolved before another can take its place. If you hold on to the idea that someone has wronged you, you cannot let in the cleansing power of Spirit and the riches of spiritual substance. If you keep holding on to grievances you are literally building up a dam that blocks your prosperity. Thoughts are alive. The Law of Mind Action states “Ideas held in mind produce after their kind.” GOD WILL SETTLE ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS if you will settle all of your accounts regarding all others. Are you willing to forgive yourself? Are you willing to forgive all others? What if the adverse things that you experienced were for your soul’s growth? YOU CAN CANCEL ALL OF YOUR DEBT Who is worthy of blocking you blessings? When Unity was in debt Catherine Ponder bailed them out and she said “Debt is a contradiction of the universal equilibrium. There is no such thing as lack of equilibrium in all the universe (In Spirit, there is no debt.)” Debt involves thoughts of lack. The creditor thinks s/he lacks what is owed and the debtor thinks s/he lacks what is necessary to pay otherwise they would discharge the obligation rather than continue in it. I think it’s a good day to discharge some grievances so that you can make room for the blessings that are already yours in the realm of Spirit. YOU CAN CANCEL ALL OF YOUR DEBT HOW? 1. Dissolve in your own mind any thought that anyone owes you anything or that you owe anyone anything. 2. Liquidate debt with forgiveness. The inner will show up on the outer 3. Fill you thoughts will thoughts of “all sufficiency” Work with affirmations. 4. Affirm abundance for those who you have held in the thought of owing you. Help pay their debt by forgiving them their debt and declaring for them the abundance that they already have in Spirit. A Course In Miracles says, “Miracles are our birthright and purification is necessary first.” This purification is forgiveness. This is an affirmation I use often. “I forgive myself for any and all mistakes I have made while on this planet. I forgive all others for anything I have perceived they have done to injury or harm me in any way whatsoever and they forgive me.” Thank you for supporting our love ministry and if Spirit moves upon your heart to giveto our love ministry, go to our website and hit the button give. ![]() When I speak these two words, Divine Order, I am activating that power to unleash Itself into whatever area of life in which I direct it to go. For yes, "I can decree a thing and it shall be established." Most High wired us like that. I am saying this with a deep understanding that there is Divine Order going on in spite of me and in spite of humans period. My affirming (D.O.) Divine Order, means I am not asking for "my will", I am asking for the "Higher Will governed by Infinite Wisdom and Intelligence. I "understand" that "Thy Will" is absolutely good. When I speak D.O. I must also prepare for sudden changes and perhaps in areas or from people that I hadn't expected. I am suspending all judgment for I already know that my thoughts are not Most High's thoughts and I trust in the perfect unfoldment with God at the helm. Divine Order is established in my life, world and in all of my affairs. God is perfecting all that concerns me and is performing all that is mine to do. Divine Order ! Divine Order is established in your life Beloved, in your world and in all of "your" affairs Affirm Divine Order over anything that concerns you and relax this week. Relax in the arms of "Divine Order." #divineorder ![]() I was gifted with a trip to Africa in 1999. (all expenses paid) I traveled with a study group lead by Dr. Wade Nobles and Dr. Naim Akbar. My experience in Africa opened my eyes and my heart and it brought great joy to my soul to finally get to touch "my Mother" (Africa) and also great sadness to realize how Africans in America have suffered and many are still suffering because of the "Black Holocaust"! I worked with a healer and I learned a few of the traditional healing ways. Their ways included prayer, herbs and rituals which those who don't understand say is pagan, backwards and not of God. And this is where I say, "Your God is way too small"! I am soooooo glad I went with two reknown psychologists because we need them. After going through the dungeons and to "The door of no return" the least likely person found himself possessed with Spirit. To those who only have a set way for God to show up thought , "Uh oh this is bad news". And again I say, "Your God is too small." Those of us who were open to experiencing African spirituality were judged and I said, "Your God is too small!" Before Christianity, Africans had religion and an awesome culture and way of being. I study cultures, religions and I marvel at the many ways that God shows up in the world and the Universe! The heavens declare the glory of God. When I see worlds emerging out of black holes and another planet most recently discovered that is like earth. Baby we have just got to know our God is infinite and can never be totally explained or understood. We have been told, "Greater things than these shall we do and that eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard ...." yet, too many still attempt to put God in a box or a book. How big is your God? My God is huge. My God, the one I know and stay connected to, is in everyone. My God is omnipotence...that means THEE POWER, My God knows EVERYTHING (OMNISCIENCE) ! Breathe on that! EVERYTHING. Whatever I need to know I ask and it comes. It comes in a myriad of ways so I stay open, receptive, prayerful and mindful. Patiently waiting these days because I UNDERSTAND. (Now I understand) My God is loving. For years I was stuck with this life-long belief that God was a punisher...God doesn't punish, what we call punishment is just us being out of alignment with the principles and/or laws of God. And, all we need do is get right back in alignment and keep sailing along practicing the Presence. HOW BIG IS YOUR GOD? ![]() Today I chatted with one of my spiritual daughters. She is brilliant, wise, honest, courageous and beautiful. Like most of us, she is growing and I love it that she is willing to grow. So we always go there. Where's there? We go to places we KNOW we can't go with most. So it's always refreshing and enlightening. I truly learn a lot from her as I share my truth with her. She's truly a revolutionary and like many of us, disturbed to say the least, at what we are witnessing throughout this country of the murdering of African American men and women. She was troubled and wanted to know what we talked about in Jamaica when we gather for a "Conversation" about the 9 in South Carolina. Rev. Jacqueline Atkins, led that conversation and she was quite skillful in presenting the facts and then leading us in discussion around the application of meta-physics into this scenario. One woman in our circle knew 6 people who were killed that evening in SC. We loved up on her and she said it felt good to know that we haven't forgotten about what happened in SC. I grew up Baptist and I was in church my entire life from birth to 18 when I left home. I thought, I will never have to go to another church, I was in church every time the door opened according to my mother. LOL When I found Unity teachings, I found my soul and I came into a very deep "relationship" with Spirit. My life transformed from "the inside" out. I understood the Bible in a way that I could "apply" a story or teaching to my own life and the Bible really came alive inside of me. It was a part of an Inner Revolution. My God was no longer in the sky waiting to clubber me if I did anything wrong. My God became a Presence deep inside of me and just the thought of that right now thrills my soul. I began to understand that I did not need an intermediary, I began to have "direct" relationship with God. This is what I teach in the Ministry God gave to me...Transforming Love Community. Parts of me have died and new spaces have opened up within me. My world within, reflects my world without! I seek within and I never go without. My brother taught me that the "Kingdom" was within and I found it and I am continuously letting go so that I can flow. My brother said, "My yoke is easy." Easy...stop struggling sis, stop struggling bro. Find the God of your understanding and spend some time in the Presence of THE ONE. Just sitting in the Presence is healing. You will be given divine guidance. It doesn't have to be "hard". Pain comes because of resistance! Just let go now! And, rest even if it's just for one day! Forgive. Forgive yourself! The outer conditions are a precise transparency of our inner mental and spiritual conditions worldwide. Yes I understand what big corporations do to the marginalized throughout the world and I say, spiritually, it still equates to race consciousness, group consciousness etc. And PEACE MUST BEGIN WITH "ME" AND WITH "YOU"! I believe that outer conditions are the outgrowth of inner conditions. I believe that it is time for all people to turn within to the God of their own understanding and to embrace PEACE. Calm the mental wars in your own mind. Calm the emotional wars that you have within yourself and stop blaming everybody else for what YOU are experiencing. Stop murdering people in "your" mind. If what you thought about some people in "your" mind manifested there is no telling where you'd be. If we could just find just one thing to agree on as a member of the human race...I think PEACE is a mighty fine universal idea that we could all embrace. What do you think? Tend to the "inner" revolution inside of you Beloved and the world will become a better place. Your light counts! #shaheerah ![]() What we are essentially is Spirit. Remembering this can assist you with guidance that's divine. Spirit made the Soul and Soul made the Body according to Charles Fillmore, Co-founder of Unity. So Spirit is sovereign over the body and over our body of affairs. Often our lives seemly fall apart so that we can get still enough for the new life that is emerging deep from within, It's pushing and pressing and can even cause physical discomfort. We go through many initiations in life. The purpose of them all is for our soul's purification and restoration. I quit my job once with two children and a home to care for. I signed for the Initiation of Trust. Arnold Patent said that when we master trust we have mastered all the universal principles. Hmmm. How does that work? When we understand that we are inextricably intertwined in this Presence called Most High, Creator, God; this omnipresent Presence is known by many names according to your geographical entry on the planet. I was resolved to prove that these prosperity principles work or just stop teaching them. I had to keep my mind focused. I understood how very important this practice was. I found for me, that upbeat music and walks tuned me into even deeper into the Presence. The sound of birds chirping and singing and the soft breeze that caresses my cheek takes me deep in the glory of God;s creation and I am a part of that. I wrote the word TRUST on several index cards. I put those cards everywhere. I needed to be reminded over and over to keep steering my mind back to the truth that God is the invisible essence out of which everything that has been made, was made. This same invisible essence is eternally available, thus it is available right now. So what do I do ? I get still and forgive myself and all others. I begin a rendezvous with Spirit. I have constant conversation about all of the decisions and I pay attention to "how I feel". I keep a pen and pad with me at all times because Most High showers divine ideas within us all day long. We catch the vision. Sometimes we just get a flash of the future state...catch it hold it and allow it to UNFOLD. My late husband taught me about "unfoldment". It was his mantra. He knew that he'd get what his heart desired. He'd say , "God is too good"! When I'd be busy planning, he be busy saying let it unfold. I see it so clear today. Most High knows our soul and knows what will bring profound peace to our souls. Often we don't know the full picture of what Most High is doing in us, through us or for us. This is where the practice of "Trust" comes in. I trust that this Infinite Presence residing in me knows and shows. I keep a listening. I notice if I begin to feel uneasy. I go to Most High and I offer that uneasiness to Infinite Love and I step right back into trusting God's timing and time. I yield to the Highest power that there is in the Universe. And yes, I am worthy of every good thing in every area of my livingness. I trust in the goodness of God. Will you come aboard this trust train and allow all the goodness that surrounds us in the invisible to come right into visibility? PRACTICE; I TRUST IN THE GOODNESS OF GOD! When fear rises...speak the affirmation to it. When worry knocks, answer the door with the affirmation. When you have a deep desire affirm it. God's got your back. This is just a "Trust" Initiation! ![]() A friend said, "Something BIG is about to happen for you." He like many people equate BIG with success. I said, "Something big has already happened to me. I am free. I am at peace. I am not striving for anything. I wake up everyday and I have given myself the freedom to follow the Voice of Wisdom within me. I need nothing and I have everything." This is my honest resolve. I will be wherever Most High plans for me to be. Most High knows the plan and I will follow as led and ENJOY THE JOURNEY. Sometimes I feel this judgment of big and small rips off the joy of now and what is. It's the ploy of the EGO because it invites your soul into a thought process of "not enough". The litany can go like this, "You are not enough." "They are better." "They don't think you are that hot." "I am missing something". This EGO jargon. A Course In Miracles speaks to this in essence it says the EGO's goal is for you to seek and not find. I have been triggered for a minute now around that entire though process. Success is relative. I have lived in big homes and small ones. It isn't the size of the house, it's how I "feel" in the house that matters to me. When I lived in a big house I often got overwhelmed with the upkeep; even with a housekeeper. When I am with certain colleagues this topic comes up, "How many members do you have? How many square feet is your building?" One of my ministerial friends allows this nonsense to make him feel "less than". He bought into the idea that big means better or it means success. Big can mean a lot of things. It can mean that you have a lifestyle in which you are totally out of balance because you are always "striving" to meet "BIG" overhead. It can mean you have no time for family, friends or yourself because it'll all about maintaining "that image" and paying those bills. Have you ever thought about the word "enough"? What's enough money? This morning as I awakened I could hear the Voice of Wisdom say, "Remember WHAT you are. You are Spirit Shaheerah. Just for today just remind yourself of that. That means you are whole, complete and lacking nothing." Now, THAT'S BIG! REFRAMING ROMANTIC LOVERelationships seem to be the number one reason people are not happy. Having counseled and ministered for decades I have heard a lot of relationship stories. Plus I have my own of course.
Here's my take. Many of us were taught that we "needed" another to be "whole". If life is a mirror and we stand in front of it as a "half of a person", what gets reflected back? Half. You are so smart. Our relationships are a direct reflection of the relationships we are having with Most High and ourselves. God and I are one, so how I treat myself is how I am treating Most High, so resident within me. Our view of God becomes vital here. Is your God a loving one or a punishing one? Is your God a he or a she? I have accepted that God is Spirit (genderless). I had a difficult time feeling close to God as father because I was raised by a angry father who expressed violence in the home; therefore I could not love what I feared. When I really accepted God as a loving Spirit or Presence the depth of my spiritual walk increased exponentially. I keep reading articles on social media or seeing videos that start with finding your lover with all of these outside maneuvers. You decide on what you want, you describe them, and all of that is really good however if you are walking around with an unconscious belief that you are unworthy those exercises may help but until your core is cleared you will be stuck in a pattern of seek and don't find. My research has taught me that we are in relationships ultimately to heal our childhood woundings. We don't get to see the real agenda of the relationship until about 120 days have passed. I would offer you just two simple practices to begin clearing the field for the love that I believe will feel more satisfying in your life. 1. Forgive your parents or caregivers 2. Forgive yourself. Notice that I didn't mention forgiving others. Here is why? I believe in the law of attraction and the law of cause and effect. So if we have drawn people into our lives, they are our teachers. Some teach us what not to do or be and some the opposite. No matter what, they came and acted out for us our state of consciousness at that time. I believe they deserve a thank you note if anything. This is just my take on this and I am not selling anything here, just sharing. If you take the next 21 days writing down a forgiveness list each morning and night you will be amazed at how much lighter and clearer you will feel and how it will open up blessings and opportunity in your life. I believe we are meant to live this life with the enjoyment of others. I like the word companionship. Life is fulfilling when we share it with another. I had it in my mind that life was "more fulfilling" when that companion was the opposite sex and when it was an "intimate" relationship. My concept of companionship and intimacy has expanded. Intimacy is what I experience when I am with people I trust and those whom I feel safe enough to share my soul. Those who I believe won't judge me or try to fix me. That's intimacy to me. The etymological origin of the word companion means one who you break bread with: com: with ; panis : bread . So it's all about who I feel "comfortable" communicating with. First and foremost is how I am communicating to myself on a daily. We need to practice "self- love" because how we are in relationship with self is expressed in every relationship. People who have the most toxic external relationships exist within a toxic "internal" environment. Their souls are not at rest. There is only one relationship Beloved. Start with the man or woman in the mirror today. Fall in love with yourself first and do all the things for yourself that you'd want a partner to do. Practice releasing and forgiving for just 21 days and enjoy the process. Namaste' In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice always occurs near the end of year, and in 2016 it will arrive at 5:44 a.m. Eastern Time on December 21. After that moment, days will lengthen and the journey toward spring and rebirth will begin. The sun makes an annual descent southward until after midnight of December 21st, the winter solstice, when it stops moving southerly for three days and then starts to move northward again.
During this time, the ancients declared that “God’s sun” had “died” for three days and was “born again” after midnight of December 24th. Thus, these many different cultures celebrated with great joy the “sun of God’s” birthday on December 25th. Winter is the season of rest and represents preparation for renewed life, similar to how some animals go into hibernation. It is also known as the time of germination as spring brings the flowering of plant life that follows the maturation process into summer; autumn gives us our crops (along with new seeds) and we return to winter to complete the full cycle and prepare for renewed life What Can I Do At The Winter Solstice? Take some time to look inside and think about what it is that you would like to bring in to your life, or nourish within yourself. What makes you come alive? When we shine with life and light, we enhance the lives of others and encourage and inspire them to improve themselves. In this way we all add to the lights shining around the world, dispelling the darkness. Remember though, that we’re all responsible for our own light. If it goes out, someone can help us to find a flame ,offer their light to guide us, hand us a match to re-ignite it, even show us how to do it, but they can’t re-light it for us or keep it lit on our behalf. Ensure that all you do protects and strengthens your inner light and keeps it alive for you. Use it to get excited about your life, to get enthusiastic about the things that you do. This excitement and enthusiasm is like a forest fire- you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away, and it spreads to those around you. The winter solstice offers us a moment of spiritual confluence. As the solstice occurs the worlds of eternity and humanity align, providing a conduit for the altogether different light that both flows from and pierces to our centre. Darkness, pain and outdated ways of thinking are released and light infuses the psyche with the illumination of a new way. This holiday season, remember the Old Ways and the promise of light from a star that is traveling to you from 93 million miles away. Be well and may the light of the winter solstice bring you peace. Welcome to our 40 Day Prosperity Journey! The 40 day prosperity program comes from "The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price. It is necessary to do it for 40 days so that your consciousness carries out and recognizes the truth. An interruption during the 40 days period would stop the energetic current which is created around the idea of abundance. Thus, it is necessary that you pledge sincerely to follow this program each day during the 40 days period: if you miss one day, it is necessary that you begin again from the beginning and until you completed the 40 days without interruption. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Determine a specific date from which you will begin this program, for example at the beginning of week. Count 40 days starting from this date on your calendar and surround the date of completion. 2. At the first day of the program, note the following assertion in your spiritual journal: “This day (insert the date), I cease believing in the visible money as my supply and my support, and I view the material world such as it truly is… simply a representation of my old beliefs. I believed in the power of the money and therefore surrender my God-given power and authority to a materiel belief. I believed in the possibility of lacks, thus causing a separation in my conscience of the Source of my Abundance. I believed in the mortality of the man and his carnal conditions; and through this faith gave man and human conditions power over me. I believed in the mortal illusion created the collective consciousness of error of thoughts and in doing so, I have limited the Unlimited. No more of that! This day I renounce my so called human condition and proclaim my Divine inheritance as a Being of God. This day I recognize God and only God as my substance, my supply and my supports.” 3. There are 10 affirmations on the principle of Abundance (hereafter). Read an affirmation a day per day. This means that you will read during the total duration of the program four times the whole list. 4. The affirmation of the day will be read twice per day during at least 15 min. with each time (morning and the evening). Meditate on the affirmation while focusing on each idea in the affirmation with great thoughtfulness and feeling -letting the idea penetrate and fill your consciousness. 5. When you finish your two daily meditations (thus the evening), note in your spiritual journal the thoughts that come to you. Be sure to do this each day! 6. Some suggestions to guide you during this program. -Understand that you are not DOING something. You let simply Abundance be expressed. Abundance is already an integral part of your true nature. -Abundance already exists: it is enough to be in total confidence and to release is detach and stop controlling things, people, and events. Be conscious that critical and negative thoughts slow down the benefits intended whereas a state of consciousness based on the love and confidence accelerate the diffusion of abundance. -It is necessary to circulate the money and anything else tangible: not only we happily receive; we also give to the others. -Be aware that it is important to pay all daily invoices and expenditure with pleasure. -Circulate the money according to your means: it is not thus a question “of throwing money down the drain”; however, you do not deprive yourself of something which you wish deeply for fear of missing money later. -Respect money, for example do not use depreciative terms for “money”. 2. The money is an effect. If you concentrate on the effect, you forget of it the cause and the effect starts to lose of its capacity. If you pay your attention on “receiving” money, you are cutting your source. From now, it is necessary that you cease believing that the money is your substance, your source, your support, your safety! The money is not all this but God is!! When you understand and integrate this truth, your source will run without stopping, in a perfect way and with abundance. Only God is the source and eliminate from your thoughts the fact that the source is an exteriorised effect. 3. When distress, anger, stress and any other negative emotion invade us, pronounce the following words immediately and impregnate you of their meaning: “I give up my anguishes, my fears…” It is necessary to remain in a state of consciousness based on the love and not the fear! 4. It is important that you pay your attention on that for which you require and what you wish NOW and not in the future: God operates in the present. Consequently, it is important to formulate sentences by using time present and not the conditional one or the future bus abundance is already present, even if this one did not materialize yet. That will arrive automatically (for example: to say “I have” and not “when I would have”). 5. When Abundance starts to express (in some form that it is), remain humble! The reason is that it is not we who DO the work! Only the spiritual substance is achieved and we are only the channel which receives this Abundance. 10 AFFIRMATIONS: THE 40 DAY PROSPERITY PROGRAM 1. God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me — the Reality of me. 2. I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the Source and Substance of all my good. 3. I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth. 4. Through my consciousness of my God-Self, the Christ within, as my Source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply. 5. Money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore, my supply is unlimited. 6. My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires. 7. The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs. 8. My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire. 9. When I am aware of the God Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth. I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that Creative Energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow 10. I keep my mind and thoughts off "this world" and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me. |
Shaheerah Stephens
Shaheerah....Author, Minister, Columnist,Trainer, Keynote Speaker... Archives
December 2019
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